I can't keep sinking time on figuring out level 24, guess i'll die witout knowing the answer-
Let's say we don't use any star on the four round enemies, I need both swords, the shield and 12hp to pass, the level has 15hp total, so I can only lose 3.
If i use a star on the spiky enemies behind the arrow to fetch the sword I'll lose at least 3hp, but since would also need to fight to get the first sword i would lose too much hp, so that's discarded.
Without an star, to fetch the second sword I would need to suffer at least 4hp, so this is discarded.
Thus, I must use an star on one of the round enemies, meaning I need 10hp, so I can only lose 5.
Let's say I don't use a star on the spikey enemy behind the blue arrow, I would need to suffer at least 4hp to fetch that sword, since I would also need to fight to either get the shield, suffering at least 3hp, or the other sword suffering at least 2 this is discarded.
If I use a star on the spikey behind the arrow, I would need to suffer at least 3hp there, but for that I need to lose 4hp to gather the other sword.
I just don't know what i'm missing
Edit: I'm an idiot