Nerrel finally released the HD remake
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Nerrel finally released the HD remake
TF2 In Featured, yeah!
FINALLY HERE! Loved the meta joke about Steven
Nice, though nothing stops you from putting all your upgrades on a couple units and just blitzing through the enemy base before they can play their second unit.
Entiendo que sea un desafío de resistencia, pero la primera mitad del juego es una pérdida de tiempo, puedes simplemente dar vueltas alrededor de los enemigos sin peligro alguno. Hasta que no llegan los enemigos azules no empieza lo bueno.
Me mataron apenas unos km antes de la meta, pero no me apetece nada repetir otra vez todo eso sólo para tener otra oportunidad una vez empieza lo interesante.
Pd: por alguna razón me aparece un triángulo violeta en el centro de la arena.
I'm split on this one. It is a clever and fun game with a unique core mechanic, but it never feels like I'm really in control.
I don't know how I feel about the magnetic movement. I think it would control better if one key press meant moving one tile, but I guess that would make diagonal movement tricky to implement in a satisfying way. As it is, it is movement feels quite imprecise, as often times when you want to move one tile in one direction you move zero tiles instead, and sometimes when you want to just move a little to freeze an enemy or bump an ice cube without changing your position you end up moving one square.
The biggest issue is how freezing enemies work, specifically when moving towards or away from them, like in a 1 wide corridor. You can do this by adding a bit of diagonal movement, even if you never move into a diagonal square. Why not make it so you can freeze them when moving straight then? The input feels so awkward and messing it up is easily responsible by 9 out of 10 of my retries. This problem is compounded by the fact that moving straight into or away from enemies to freeze them is a bit of a dominant strategy that ends up solving the majority of problems.
Also, when bumping diagonally into an enemy sometimes you freeze them and kick them instantly but some other times you freeze them and die anyway.
I think the ability to freeze enemies without moving out of your square encourages degenerate play patterns.
As for the scores, I think the combo score is a compelling and interesting challenge that leads to satisfying but difficult gameplay that is only soured by the problems I described above. The ice coverage on the other hand is either trivial or annoying in most levels, but it's not too bad.
I've seen you have already acknowledged feedback about the confusing way the scoring system is presented, so i won't bring that up.
The art and music are excellent, there is a lot of quality levels and a decent variety of enemies (though I believe the blue bouncing balls bring out the worst of the game); and despite the frustration I can't say this is a bad game by any means. I suspect it would play better with a controller, too.
It's clear it took a lot of effort, congratulations on making a remarkable game!
I though it was the girl from BFG from the thumbnail
Dynamite fodder.
That's how I look at my teammate after he dodges my healing bolt for the seventh time.
Age 76, Other
Joined on 12/4/16